A complete, in-person core program to begin practice in evidence-based breastfeeding and lactation care. This five-day course is planned as essential education for any healthcare professional or individual who works with new mothers and their newborns, or as the beginning process for becoming a lactation consultant (IBCLC). This in-depth, in-person course enables participants to provide accurate, current and consistent information about breastfeeding and lactation and to support new families in feeding their babies from birth through the process of weaning.
Clinical Applications provides a summary of your didactic education and clinical experience, focusing on case studies and the critical thinking required for those who are working with infant and child feeding issues in maternal-child health. Hot topics are solicited at the start of the course and presented by the faculty on the second day. Clinical Applications can be your final step in preparation for the IBLCE exam, or it can be an opportunity for any professional experienced in lactation care to collaborate with other experienced clinicians and problem solve case studies.
Hone your skills and knowledge as you prepare to take the IBLCE exam, or simply join us for getting the latest in research updates or adding hours for exam eligibility. This two-and-one-half-day update and review program will help you prepare for the IBLCE exam or update your research-based practice.
This three-day course explores the rationale behind the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other international organizations. These guidelines call for the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. These guidelines provide a carefully considered and scientifically validated plan for assisting new families in feeding and nurturing their babies through breastfeeding.
This one-day workshop provides an intensive approach to the basics of breastfeeding promotion and early feeding issues in the hospital, clinic and community. It is a helpful and effective beginning for education in research-based infant feeding, as well as an excellent update for IBCLCs and others who are interested in applying science to the practice of infant feeding.
This two-day, in-person workshop advances evidence-based infant feeding policies and practices in the hospital or clinic. It also provides the education cornerstone for hospitals who wish to pursue the designation of "Baby-Friendly". This workshop explores the rapidly changing role of all healthcare professionals in caring for pregnant and new families and is designed to help hospitals and communities provide the basics of early breastfeeding care, with a focus on implementing The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
This 4-hour in-person program was specifically designed for maternal-infant healthcare providers. In a fast-paced format, this course focuses on the healthcare provider's role in providing infant feeding information and support to pregnant and new families. It is designed to help hospitals and communities provide the basics of early breastfeeding care, with many common-sense, practical strategies, based on scientific evidence. This program provides strategies for implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and fulfills the educations requirements of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.
This in-person day is designed to complement the online or face-to-face 15 hours of education to assist with implementing the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). This program provides a workshop for participants to practice many of the necessary skills when helping families with questions and different situations about breastfeeding.
This 2 or 2.5 day visit with Evergreen Perinatal Education faculty provides hospitals an opportunity to evaluate their readiness for an assessment by BFHI assessors. In addition to meetings with hospital administrators, these days include interactive interviews with staff and mothers in the prenatal, labor & delivery, postpartum and nursery areas. A BFHI assessment "To-Do" List will be reviewed with key people, plus many helpful ideas for creating a smooth assessment process will be provided.
Whether your facility has already embarked on the Ten Step journey or is just getting started, we can lead you step-by-step through the maze of information, materials and tasks necessary to move through each phase.
EPE will provide guidance and support to set up a plan designed to specifically meet your facility's needs, starting with a two-day site visit to evaluate your facility's current status in accomplishing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. We will tour the unit, review (or help develop) the infant feeding policy and related protocols, meet with hospital administrators, managers and staff as well as assist you in navigating the Baby-Friendly USA website. Hospitals find this to be a safe, informal and comfortable process. Our findings are confidential and not shared outside the appropriate hospital setting.
A listing of available lectures & programs such as 'Innovative Programs in Maternity Care,' 'Effective Parent Education Programs,' or 'The Challenge of Postpartum Relationships.'
For information about our registration policies (including refunds), please visit our policies page.
CE Self-Assessment is currently available for all IBCLC's due to recertify through 2027. Click here to take your Self-Assessment. Remember you can only take the CE Self-Assessment once during your recertification period. Once you have gotten your results, don't forget to reach out so we can make you a Recertification Bundle to meet all your needs!
We are excited to announce the partnership with Santa Clara County Department of Health to bring Foundations for Best Practice in Lactation Care with CLE back to the San Jose area this March!
For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website. Register now on the EPE website for this course.
Please email info@evergreenperinataleducation.com to be added to the list, for more information or to register! More details coming soon.
Please note: Date subject to change.
For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website. Register now on the EPE website for this course.
Four Points Sheraton Bay Bridge special hotel rate: Book your group rate for Evergreen. Book early to ensure room availablity at the special rate. First Come/First Serve. Last day to book September 25th (if rooms remain)
Best of luck to everyone sitting for the exam!
For United States and territories. For more information visit the IBLCE website.
We are excited to bring our two day, practice oriented, intensive Clinical Applications in Lactation Care to California! For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website.REGISTER NOW on the EPE website for this course.
Four Points Sheraton Bay Bridge special hotel rate: Book your group rate for Evergreen. Book early to ensure room availablity at the special rate. First Come/First Serve. Last day to book April 17 (if rooms remain)
Here at EPE we are trying to make the new process of certification and recertification as easy as possible. Along with the live Advanced Update and Lactation Strategies course, we provide a large array of programs to help you reach your required CERPs based on the IBLCE Detailed Content Outline. Please contact info@evergreenperinataleducation.com for a curated course load to meet you recertification needs, or click here for more information and tracking forms.
For more information on the recertification by CERPs process visit the IBLCE website.
For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website. Register now on the EPE website for this course.
Four Points Sheraton Bay Bridge special hotel rate: Book your group rate for Evergreen. Book early to ensure room availablity at the special rate. First Come/First Serve. Last day to book April 10 (if rooms remain)
For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website.
Best of luck to everyone sitting for the exam!
For United States and territories. For more information visit the IBLCE website.
For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website. Register now on the EPE website for this course. Verification of COVID 19 Vaccination is required to attend -no exceptions. We look forward to seeing you all outside the virtual world in a safe, comfortable, and informative space.
Four Points Sheraton Bay Bridge special hotel rate: Book your group rate for Evergreen. Book early to ensure room availablity at the special rate. First Come/First Serve. Last day to book October 5th (if rooms remain)
Best of luck to everyone sitting for the exam!
For United States and territories. For more information visit the IBLCE website.
This course is designed for those who are preparing to take the IBLCE exam for the first time or for recertification; need help in understanding the new recertification options; are preparing to recertify by Self-Assessment and required CERPs; need insight into how and where to get your required CERPs, need additional hours for exam eligibility, or want to earn CERPs while updating your knowledge. For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website. Register now on the EPE website for this course. Verification of COVID 19 Vaccination is required to attend - no exceptions.
Four Points Sheraton Bay Bridge special hotel rate: Book your group rate for Evergreen. Book early to ensure room availablity at the special rate. First Come/First Serve. Last day to book August 3rd (if rooms remain)
For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website. Register now on the EPE website for this course. Verification of COVID 19 Vaccination is required to attend -no exceptions. We look forward to seeing you all outside the virtual world in a safe, comfortable, and informative space.
Four Points Sheraton Bay Bridge special hotel rate:Book your group rate for Evergreen. Book early to ensure room availablity at the special rate. First Come/First Serve. Last day to book April 8th (if rooms remain)
Best of luck to everyone sitting for the exam!
For United States and territories. For more information visit the IBLCE website.
For more information on course content, please see the course description on our website. Register now on the EPE website for this course. Verification of COVID 19 Vaccination is required to attend -no exceptions. We look forward to seeing you all outside the virtual world in a safe, comfortable, and informative space.
For special hotel rate:Book your group rate for Evergreen. Book early to ensure room availablity at the special rate.