Demonstrating Competency in Breastfeeding Care


A 5- to 8-hour Workshop

Course Description

This in-person day is designed to complement the online or face-to-face 15 hours of education to assist with implementing the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). This program provides a workshop for participants to practice many of the necessary skills when helping families with questions and different situations about breastfeeding.

Evergreen Perinatal Education has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®) as a CERP provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE®’s endorsement or assessment of education quality.

Course Objectives, Agenda & Content

Course Objectives, Agenda, & Content


Education Credits

International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, Provider Number: CLT108-4
5 instructional hours on the IBLCE Exam Detailed Content Outline (for preparation for first IBLCE exam)
Commission on Dietetic Registration
Provider approved by California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number: CEP 14127

Dates & Locations

There are no classes scheduled at this time but if your facility is interested in hosting and scheduling this course, please Contact Us.