A Two-Day workshop
Course Description
This two-day, in-person workshop advances evidence-based infant feeding policies and practices in the hospital or clinic. It also provides the education cornerstone for hospitals who wish to pursue the designation of "Baby-Friendly". This workshop explores the rapidly changing role of all healthcare professionals in caring for pregnant and new families and is designed to help hospitals and communities provide the basics of early breastfeeding care, with a focus on implementing The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
We recommend an initial face-to-face program for staff. This initial program can then be followed with subsequent in-person education or staff may be trained through our online education program.
Hospitals or clinics may also choose to complement this two-day program with an add-on a day of clinical competencies through our Demonstrating Competency in Breastfeeding Care program and determine your readiness for evaluation with a A Mock Assessment: Preparing for the BFHI Evaluation session.
Evergreen Perinatal Education has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®) as a CERP provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE®’s endorsement or assessment of education quality.
Course Objectives
- Describe barriers to effective communication with women about feeding their babies.
- List birthing routines that may influence breastfeeding success.
- Discuss the rationale of skin to skin care for mother and baby.
- Describe how our care influences milk production.
- Describe the basic elements of correct positioning and latch.
- Perform a breastfeeding LATCH score.
- Identify the special needs of babies born too early.
- List ways for mothers to maximize breastmilk production.
- Describe the importance of human milk for human babies.
- List possible negative effects of supplementing babies with breastmilk substitutes.
- Discuss some marketing tactics used by commercial baby food industries.
- Evaluate the current AAP recommendation about infant sleep.
- List several possible responses when women request formula, nighttime nursery care.
- Discuss the rationale of restricting pacifier use in the early weeks of breastfeeding.
- Describe infant feeding cues.
- Develop a care plan to help a mother with nipple pain, engorgement, and/or infection.
- Discuss the importance of providing protection and support to childbearing women.
Education Credits
International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, Provider Number: CLT108-4
- 15 CERPs (15 L) (For IBCLCs only)
15 instructional hours on the IBLCE Exam Detailed Content Outline (for preparation for first IBLCE exam)
Commission on Dietetic Registration CPE hours, Category II, Provider Number: EV001
- 15 CPE hours, Category II (For RDs only) (Expire: May 31, 2024)
Provider approved by California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number: CEP 14127
- 15 contact hours (For RNs only)
Dates & Locations
There are no classes scheduled at this time but if your facility is interested in hosting and scheduling this course, please Contact Us.